PROVO — Most of the time when hiking, it’s the terrain, wildlife, unique vistas and the challenge that leave the most lasting impact. But every once in a while, for good or ill, it’s the fellow hikers that leave the more lasting impression.

It could be small children conquering a trail that would challenge most adults, or a couple disruptively sorting out their domestic strife in hiking boots. Sometimes, however, it’s a friendly, familiar face.

This year, while training for an endurance hike, I’ve crossed paths with one such individual dozens of times. He’s not loud. He’s not flashy. But he stands out in the best way. His name is Henry Miles and, at 88 years old, he’s a friendly novelty on Utah trails; occupying a space on the hiker bell curve so narrow, it’s always inspiring to see him out conquering his favorite trail in open defiance of conventional limits.

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